Caster Semenya is reportedly still training and preparing for upcoming competitions. If the likes of Jana Rawlinson felt compelled to modify her natural body shape in favour of a more feminine shape, I say hats off to Caster. It can’t be easy to have the whole world scrutinising you when athletes who are older than you are yielding to conformity.

Speaking of modifications, I didn’t realise until recently that female boxers weren’t allowed to have implants. Sikh and Muslim boxers face restrictions in boxing also, but that is because of their facial hair. The Amateur Boxing Association of England (ABAE) recently ruled that all fighters had to be clean shaven to allow cuts to the face to be seen. It may seem farfetched to draw a comparison between religion and vanity, but some may argue that a woman’s vanity is her religion.

Jack Warner’s Twitter page is pretty interesting - so interesting that I wonder if it really is Mr Warner himself doing the tweeting. Some classic tweets include: ‘Harry [Redknapp] has been charged with "Cheating the public revenue" I think I studied that course at university. Got highest marks of course’ and ‘Joe Hart for England? We'd all do well to remember where he won his first cap. The lovely Trinidad. He is nothing without me.’ Regardless of whether or not the Twitter page is fact or fiction, it is interesting to note that the country where the game of football was created is now at the mercy of someone who is from one of their former colonies with regards to their World Cup 2018 bid.
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